Our Commitment to Quality

Quality Policy

At Vascular BioSciences and VBS Pharmaceuticals, we are committed to delivering products that meet the highest standards of quality. We make our products as if we were making them for our own family – because that’s what every patient is, a member of someone’s family. We will meet or exceed the quality standards for every country in which our products are used. The ultimate purpose of our products is to enhance and prolong human life.

Our Vision

Our vision and dedication to quality drives every stage of research and development here at Vascular BioSciences. Our commitment to crafting high-quality products that have a lasting, positive impact on people’s lives influences every element of our processes, including:

  1. Fostering a culture of excellence within our workplace, where every employee is driven to improve human life by delivering the best products and services possible.
  2. Meticulously adhering to compliance procedures, including FDA and ISO quality standards.
  3. Conducting comprehensive process analysis, which is integrated into every aspect of design, production and quality control.

Our Guarantee

The Vascular BioSciences brand is built upon a commitment to guaranteeing our customers receive products made to a high standard. We conduct rigorous reviews to ensure global compliance, from discovery and development to manufacturing and delivery. Our commitment to extending the lives of patients is what propels us to produce products of the highest quality.